Scholarships, Memorials & Endowments

  • Our first endowment memorial scholarship.

    Criteria: Financial need, GPA 3.0 minimum, Science Major with a preference in Biology/Environmental studies.

    Amount awarded $1,000.00

  • The Horn Foundation has very generously donated funds yearly, part of the funds go to scholarships and part to the endowment fund.

    Criteria: Academic achievement, Community service, and financial need.

    Amount Awarded: $500-$1000

  • Bob and Dee Mann were active community members in Nooksack Valley.

    Criteria: GPA 2.0, vocational. Multiple Scholarships available.

    Award amount $1000.00 minimum

  • William and Catherine Snider retired to Maple Falls. Catherine (Kay) had a passion for children, So it is Kay's honor to donate her entire estate to non-profit organizations.

    Criteria: 3.0 GPA and above, must have attended their high school years while at Nooksack Valley High School, In the event that the student has transferred to NVHS from another school, Nooksack Valley Scholarship Foundation may choose to waive this requirement. Majoring in Law Enforcement, Police Science or Criminal Justice Program. Two year institutions will be acceptable, but four year program is preferred. Leadership qualities, such as the honors program or student government, will also be taken into consideration. Multiple Scholarships available

    Award amount: $1,000.00 minimum each

  • Education focused. Financial need

    Scholarship Amount $500-$2000.

  • Erik was with Nooksack Valley Dollars for Scholars from the start in 1998 until 2013. He was an active leader in the Nooksack Valley Community. Nooksack Valley Scholarship Foundation has made a Scholarship in his honor.

    Criteria: 3.5 GPA minimum, School and Community involvement, Responsible leadership and citizenship.

    Award amount $2,500.00

  • GPA 2.5 and Above for Trade/Professional Certification or GPA 3.0 and above for College/University, Leadership Potential, High Involvement in School/Community Activities. Multiple scholarships available

    Award Amount: $1000.00

  • Each year the NVSF gives out multiple unrestricted scholarships to graduating applicants, including an additional scholarship for Best Essay

    Scholarship: $500-$1000 each

  • Each year the NVSF is given multiple endowments from community members wanting to support Nooksack Valley Seniors in their mission to further their education. This endowment money is passed directly onto qualified seniors.

    Award Amount: varies each year

The NV Scholarship Foundation has been very fortunate to receive a number of donations from generous people and organizations throughout our community. Our first major donation was $21,000, which formed the Francis Alfred Baker Memorial.

You may also be eligible for awards administered by the Nooksack Valley Scholarship Foundation. These awards are provided by community donors for students who meet additional criteria. The Nooksack Valley Scholarship Foundation selection committee will determine if you meet the criteria for any of the following awards.

ONLY 1 application needed to apply for all available scholarships

Applications will re-open in Jan of 2024

A certain amount of funds are considered "unrestricted". This means that all graduating seniors with a minimum 2.0 GPA from NVHS are eligible to apply and compete for these awards. Individual scholarship amounts vary from year to year.